We were also happy to discover that she takes to crowded situations quite well. We took her to a baby shower held in the staff break trailer at the zoo. It was very crowded and quite loud, but she was calm and appeared to be curious during the entire party. Several people held her and she did not mind one bit. She even got her first real glimpse of other babies and seemed very interested. I have also been showing her mirrors and watching her reactions. Either she is very vain or is interested in babies! I am not sure which it is...
It is hard to ignore all the growing she is doing. With tears in my eyes, I have started to set aside all of her Newborn sized clothes. She is just getting too tall for them. I think the "Love Me" outfit (shown above) and the elephant pajamas she came home from the hospital in were the hardest to take out of the drawer. I just feel like this newborn stage is passing too fast...