Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Isabel surprised me a few days ago by rolling onto her side while laying on her play gym mat. I was so excited, I ran to get the video camera, moved her onto a blanket for more room to roll, and waited....and waited...and waited. She finally did it again and though she still needs a little help to complete the roll (she has not perfected the arm removal yet) she is getting better and better!

She is in daycare for two days a week now and Tim and I split up the remaining days with a babysitter thrown in here and there. As much as it has been a hardship not having full-time daycare, I am kind of happy it happened this way as it eased me into leaving her there. The daycare workers now know her by sight and coo whenever they see her come inside. They say she is a happy baby who only really cries when she is hungry. It is a relief to hear she appears to enjoy her time there so I don't feel so bad for having to leave her. The first day was the hardest and I cried as I left. After rushing back at the end of my shift to pick her up, she was contentedly napping and had done perfectly fine that day :)


  1. Love it! Love the roll-over, love the dramatic music...awesome!

    But, beware...right now she's just rolling over. Before you know it, she'll be jumping from the top of the couch onto a poorly-constructed pillow nest on the floor!

  2. Ditto Lisa!!! Such awesome writing and photography. What a wonderful way to keep in touch. "pelehootch"

  3. I betcha daddy is already thinking about enrolling her into a gymnastics class!! hehe
