Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A day of firsts...

Two days ago, Isabel's umbilical cord fell off, marking a milestone- her first real bath! Prior to this she had been receiving sponge baths, but we finally got to break in our "whale" baby tub on Sunday night. She seemed to enjoy this bath more than her sponge baths and I suspect that like her mom, she is going to be part fish. I can't wait for this summer and trips to the pool with her as I think she is really going to take to water. Tim took some pictures of the bath and will hopefully post them soon...he says maybe tomorrow or so.

Yesterday marked Isabel's 2 week birthday! To commemorate such a special day, what better way than to spend it at the doctor's office? I warned the nurse, before she removed Isabel's diaper, that Isabel has a wicked sense of humor and knows when she's naked and the furniture is unprotected. (I have done several loads of bath towels that had been soiled during the process of bathing her, but now have a strategy!) Regardless, she needed to be weighed sans diaper and the moment she was brought back into the exam room and laid on the table to have a new diaper put on, the floodgates opened yet again and then nurse went scampering for paper towels! The Dr's visit went well and the doctor was very impressed that Isabel is already lifting her head and looking around for extended periods of time! She also gained back her birth weight and then some- she is now 7lbs 14oz!

Yesterday also marked another first- her first bottle. Well, not really her first bottle as she received some formula while at the hospital because breastfeeding got off to a rocky start. But the doctor approved her to start receiving 1-2 bottles with breast milk a day providing I pump at that time to keep my supply up. Tim was very happy to volunteer for this job as the books say mom shouldn't give bottles at first due to possible confusion. I am not sure how true it is, but wasn't taking any chances. The bottle went well and she took it like a champ, even demanding an additional traditional feed about 15 minutes later.

That's the most recent update, but I have to say- Yesterday I was having one of those bonding moments with her. You know the ones- where you are looking into each other's eyes and she is almost smiling at you. It was sweet. Then she farted. Loudly. *sigh* I had to laugh. Even her farts are cute!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful blog! Isabel is absolutely lovely!

    Happy 2 weeks, Isabel!

    - Rhett & Leslie W.
