Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Time is Here...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Cat Wars

Yes folks, Isabel is learning the word "no" and is not pleased. The cat is thankful though as she can always count on the privacy of her litter box when all else has fallen to the conquering sticky hands of Isabel Marie.

We often look to the blankets, laid on opposite ends of the living room to signify feline vs infant territory, to find Isabel sitting on Pele's mats and Pele sitting on Isabel's blanket! Whether one does it to annoy the other, I know not, but both are waged in a war of the border lines. Pele usually strikes first by laying a fine layer of kitty litter, like a minefield, across where Isabel plays. Isabel responds by stealthily sneaking up on the cat ready to squish her in the biggest gooiest hug ever. Luckily for Pele, Isabel is usually foiled with choruses of Mom and Dad yelling, "Isabel NO!" And running, panicked, to pull the infant to safety. Of course Pele's plans are foiled when Mom runs the vacuum, picking up the litter/mines, and freaking the cat out in the process.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sense of Humor
The weeks have simply flown by and her personality is becoming more distinct. We began a new tradition on our recent vacation to Birmingham, which is a new toy to commemorate the trip. We took her to Toys R Us for the very first time and she had a blast! One of the best parts was her reaction to a remote control Big Foot doll. Of course it was too expensive for us to consider, but we enjoyed watching her reaction to it.
She laughs more now and finds oddest things hilarious. We will sometimes just hear her break out into peals of laughter over the silliest things, like faces or sounds.
This week has also been a week of more firsts. I was on the phone with my mom when Isabel suddenly crawled across the room! She is crawling now!!! Then, a few days later, a pearly white tooth was spotted! Her lower right incisor came in. It is being closely followed by the left, which should be here soon...
I will try to get the crawling video posted soon!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Isabel's First Swim
Isabel took a trip to the neighborhood pool today with me and Aunt Sara. She loved it! She was smiling when I first put her in the water and then kicked her legs to propel herself around the pool in her little raft. I think she is going to be a water baby like her mama!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
6 months old today!!!
Today, Isabel is 6 months old! She had a fun evening and even got to choose what she ate for dinner...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
6 months here we come!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Where's Isabel???
Isabel enjoys playing games and one of her favorites is "Where's Isabel?"
She is still very vocal and while this is cute now, I have to wonder how long it will remain so...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Talkin' talkin' talkin'
Tim and I are trying to guess what Isabel's first words are going to be. Vanity brings me to hope it's "mama", but reality says it will probably be "dada". Afterall, he is the one who can make her laugh, and he is the one who calms her down when she is really ticked. (Tim says I am just as good, but I see her resond to him better :) )
She does do a lot of talking with me, though- which is very well shown in this video...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
New Vidoes
Day at the Museum!

We received an invitation from the Reptile staff at the Zoo to join them for a tour of the new Archaeopteryx exhibit at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. This was Isabel's first outing to the museum!

We began our day by meeting up with the Reptile staff at their building and then walking over to the museum. We decided to use the Ergo baby instead of the stroller in case there were stairs. It turns out that Isabel kind of enjoys the Kangaroo approach to things!

She even showed some interest in the fossils at the museum and was looking around quite a bit.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
May is here...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
3 Months!

We are seeing more and more changes with her lately. Her eyes are changing color, but haven't decided which color they are going to be. Lately they have been an inner ring of brown surrounded by blue on the outside. Today they were actually completely blue, and other days they sometimes appear green.
She is starting to hold objects with her hands and loves her plush doll best of all right now. She will hold onto it and sometimes falls asleep with it in her chair. Unfortunately, she has also started drooling all over everything as well, so every time I pick up the doll, she is sopping wet with cold drool!
She babbles a lot and likes to tell us all about her day. She also likes singing. Whenever Tim or I start to sing to her, she starts to chime in. I don't know if it's because she wants to join us or if she wants to drown out the sound of our singing voices :)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
Isabel surprised me a few days ago by rolling onto her side while laying on her play gym mat. I was so excited, I ran to get the video camera, moved her onto a blanket for more room to roll, and waited....and waited...and waited. She finally did it again and though she still needs a little help to complete the roll (she has not perfected the arm removal yet) she is getting better and better!
She is in daycare for two days a week now and Tim and I split up the remaining days with a babysitter thrown in here and there. As much as it has been a hardship not having full-time daycare, I am kind of happy it happened this way as it eased me into leaving her there. The daycare workers now know her by sight and coo whenever they see her come inside. They say she is a happy baby who only really cries when she is hungry. It is a relief to hear she appears to enjoy her time there so I don't feel so bad for having to leave her. The first day was the hardest and I cried as I left. After rushing back at the end of my shift to pick her up, she was contentedly napping and had done perfectly fine that day :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Maternity Leave Ending...

Of course, this could be due to the fact that I never told her bibs were not for eating!
Her eyelashes are also coming in and they are

She is starting to use her voice more, though not in the crying, screaming way that I thought she might. She punctuates her smiles with squeals and often greets me with coos when she wakes from a nap. She also yells this loud, flat, AAAH! when she is hungry. I think she is going to be a talker. She still amazes me how well she adapts to social situations where there are lots of people around. We have gone to several functions in the past few weeks and she is wonderful at each one causing people to comment what a mellow baby she is. I love that I can take her places! So long as I pay attention to her as well, we can go to restaurants and she will be quiet the entire time. I am enjoying this phase as I am sure it will not last once she reaches 6 months or so :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Moving Around
We were also happy to discover that she takes to crowded situations quite well. We took her to a baby shower held in the staff break trailer at the zoo. It was very crowded and quite loud, but she was calm and appeared to be curious during the entire party. Several people held her and she did not mind one bit. She even got her first real glimpse of other babies and seemed very interested. I have also been showing her mirrors and watching her reactions. Either she is very vain or is interested in babies! I am not sure which it is...
It is hard to ignore all the growing she is doing. With tears in my eyes, I have started to set aside all of her Newborn sized clothes. She is just getting too tall for them. I think the "Love Me" outfit (shown above) and the elephant pajamas she came home from the hospital in were the hardest to take out of the drawer. I just feel like this newborn stage is passing too fast...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
First Videos!
As much as I have been taking pictures of Isabel, Tim reminded me that we have not taken any video of her! So we made a point tonight to sit down and make some memories...
It's amazing how expressive she is getting. She started to fleetingly smile a couple of weeks ago and then progressed to smiling in her sleep. I started noticing her smiling at me in the middle of a night time feeding several days ago. It was about 2AM and I was half-asleep. I looked down at her with my eyes half open mid-yawn to see her looking right back at me, unlatch, and then open her mouth in the sweetest grin! She smiles frequently now, but it is difficult to get a picture of as she changes so quickly. I managed to capture some of her swiftly changing faces...
Then later this evening, Tim filmed her bath. She seems to enjoy bath time and we have started to make it our nightly ritual before reading a story and going to bed. Even if she is fussy, she quiets down as soon as we go into the bathroom and I see her start to smile as she sits in her tub!