We are seeing more and more changes with her lately. Her eyes are changing color, but haven't decided which color they are going to be. Lately they have been an inner ring of brown surrounded by blue on the outside. Today they were actually completely blue, and other days they sometimes appear green.
She is starting to hold objects with her hands and loves her plush doll best of all right now. She will hold onto it and sometimes falls asleep with it in her chair. Unfortunately, she has also started drooling all over everything as well, so every time I pick up the doll, she is sopping wet with cold drool!
She babbles a lot and likes to tell us all about her day. She also likes singing. Whenever Tim or I start to sing to her, she starts to chime in. I don't know if it's because she wants to join us or if she wants to drown out the sound of our singing voices :)
we want more!!!