The first week of May is here and I find myself thinking, Where did the time go? I know it probably sounds cliche, but time has been absolutely flying by and Isabel is growing so very fast.
She is laughing more now, but my attempts at catching it on video have proven futile. She readily smiles at the camera, but they are usually paired with a movement, forever blurring the moment.
I hope I am not jinxing myself, but she sleeps pretty well now. She will sleep straight through to 4AM about 3 days a week, which is great for us. The other days she usually wakes around 1 or 2 AM, but will usually go right back to sleep once she is fed. The other night was a different story as she apparently wanted to tell me all about the dream she had. She was up from 1-2AM chattering away in her crib...not fussing, just talking. The talking is something else I have been trying to capture, but with limited success. Hopefully soon I will be able to post a video of these absolutely adorable moments!
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